7 months after our previous hackfest, we had a new one. Dani organised this one and got us a nice room at the University of Seville.
Thanks to a sponsorship from the GNOME Foundation, I was able to go and share an appartment with Tobias and Julian. Sadly other existing contributors were not able to attend, but we had the pleasant surprise of having two local students who participated. Alejandro even got a couple commits merged in master during the event. We also got to spend some time with a few local Free Software people.
We did a lot of testing to get a good feel for the current state, and rounded off a few sharp edges with quick fixes. I also spent some time figuring out what still remained to be done before we could release. I proposed some improvements to our review process, the way we share development best practices, and brought home quite a few todo items.
On the last day we had a call with Benpa and Matthew that turned into an episode of Matrix Live. We also moved to the GNOME group on gitlab and yesterday we released 4.0 after a few days of testing and some last minute fixes. It should hit Flathub in a moment.
Not just work
My first impression getting from the airport to the city center was that the landscape reminded me a lot of my trips to California. Same palm trees, large streets… even the weather was reminiscent of the one I experienced a few years ago in the month of October in San Francisco. We could go out with only a hoodie on and be fine. The first step out of the plane when I got back in Alsace was quite unpleasant, and so were the next three hours that it took me to finally be home to be honest. The sight of snow out of my window on the next morning kind of felt like nature was forcing me to catch up on what I missed during my trip. Good thing I have memories of last week to keep me warm for a while!