A (more) random act of kindness
Not too long ago, Kat and I were discussing the postcards we had sent to people who had adopted us. When we found I had sent more, I speculated that it had to do with my position in the list of people who are up for adoption. We were listed alphabetically and that made me the first and default choice. I’m using the past here as I pushed a fix this morning as my birthday present. Now the list order is random and hopefully the other people on it will a more fair share of fuzzy feelings.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who became Friends of GNOME, whether they chose me or someone else for the postcard, or even if they opted out. Your donation to the GNOME Foundation helps us a lot. And if you’re not already a donor, consider becoming one!
I also opened a liberapay account today. The description is disappointingly empty at the moment but if you feel like directly supporting my efforts, any donation you’ll make there will be much appreciated.